Pneumatic tubes
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Pneumatic tubes can help move products to virtually any room. For example, if a patient is in immediate need of medication, our 4-inch pneumatic tubes can quickly and safely move it to the necessary location. This form of technology can save lives, as well as time and money. Knowing that patients can be taken care of in an efficient way sets the minds of the staff at ease and improves their performance. And it sets peoples’ minds at ease for a reason; it is quick, reliable and incredibly helpful. There is no question that quality machinery helps improve everything in a business.
When we think about taking care of others in the hospital, there is a tendency to think about the obvious factors: intelligent and experienced doctors, nurses and staff, the proper medicines, comfortable medical beds, etc. However, we don’t always spend a lot of time thinking about the little things which sometimes make all the difference. The small supplies, the seemingly minor details you rarely hear about. The 4-inch pneumatic tube fits that category, as it is not the first thing to come to everyone’s mind, however it can save lives.
You may be wondering about our product and its specifications. Our company has created a design which is stronger and less likely to break than other brands. It is made out of polycarbonate or high-impact nylon. This material, along with our newly-created, special design helps to reduce damage. It is easy to see that one of the defining factors in a pneumatic tube is durability. With our product, not only are you getting a productive and valuable tool, you are getting a strong and powerful force. The pneumatic tube is truly the wave of the future, and eventually we will be living in a world where working without one will be seen as unwise. With that in mind, it is imperative that you work with a company which produces these devices in as trustworthy of a manner as possible. We strive to provide our customers with that peace of mind.
In case you may be wanting to learn more about Washington Security Products, we have been in business since 1976, creating pneumatic carriers, drive up carriers, hospital carriers and cash-handling products. In a world where it seems like nothing is built to last anymore, we pride ourselves on creating products which are designed to last a long time. Many companies construct devices which they know will break so you will have to buy another one. At WSP, we care not only about providing a quality product, but contributing one which is long-lasting and durable. Profit is not our only motive; we genuinely want to create something that truly works and is reliable. We understand that with a product of this level of importance, its breaking could interfere with someone’s physical recovery. We take responsibility for the longevity of our work. We hope you will consider using our 4-inch pneumatic tubes and discover just how easy it can be to help others. It is a joyous feeling and we look forward to helping you.
MON - FRI, 7am-5pm PST
(contact us after hours)