While most customers rely on the use of credit and debit cards these days, there are still many scenarios in which someone might choose to pay cash. Although this is a less common method than it was ten or twenty years ago, businesses of all kinds still need a way to manage cash intake and securely store and organize change.

Cash systems and trays are necessary tools for businesses that handle cash, but using them isn’t always intuitive. For those who have never encountered them before, it can be hard to figure out how they work. Fortunately, they aren’t actually that difficult to use once you understand them.

How Cash Trays and Coin Scoops Work Best As A Set

Using cash trays and coin scoops is pretty straightforward. When using cash trays and coin scoops, you should always remember to balance them regularly. Keeping accurate records is important for every business, but to do this, the trays must be balanced at least once a day. Ideally, they should be balanced after every shift to ensure employees are using them correctly and the right amount of cash is inside.

Here’s how to balance the tray:

  1. Keep Track

Always count the tray at the beginning of a shift, so you know how much the tray started with. It should match what was recorded the day before. At the end of a shift, be sure to count the tray again.

  1. Record Cash Flow

Sometimes the tray may need to be refilled after a large transaction. In this case, you’ll likely take money out of the vault to put into the tray. It’s important that you record how much you take so that there isn’t a discrepancy in the future. Record where the money was taken from and where it went.

  1. Double Check Every Transaction

There’s a lot that can distract you during any given transaction, so before you hand over a chunk of cash, make sure to double-check that you have the right amount. Count it twice so that you’re sure you have the right number. If an extra bill gets stuck with another, you could be short on cash at the end of the day.

This is also where cash trays and coin scoops come in handy. You won’t have to waste too much time searching for change or rummaging around for bills and coins. With the right cash and coin systems in place, all your cash and coins will be organized in one place. Coin scoops also make it easy to count coins, speeding up the cashier’s process.

  1. Keep Transaction Information

When you complete a cash transaction, you should always have a way to reference it. Some systems will be digital and track every transaction as well as whether it was done through card or cash. Some systems will require you to keep cash receipts so that you can total them at the end of the day and match the total to what is in the box.

Whatever the method is for recording transactions, make sure you follow it closely. Any mistakes can cause problems at the end of the day when you count down the tray.


Cash and coin systems are important to have on hand for every business. You’ll always have some customers who complete transactions in cash, and being prepared will help you be able to better serve them.

By improving cash handling and overall efficiency, cash and coin systems are designed to help businesses of all kinds provide high-quality customer service at an affordable rate. There’s no need to invest in an expensive, automatic coin machine when simple trays and scoops make providing change and completing cash transactions a breeze.