Even though card payments and digital wallets are becoming increasingly popular, there will always be customers who pay in cash. For businesses, this means having their cash systems set up ready to serve those customers. In fact, according to surveys, 83% of small business owners in the US say they will always accept cash.
In recent times, it’s understandable that teller spaces have gotten smaller. However, we have adapted our coin trays and systems to fit well in your space.
Why Our Teller Trays and Coin Systems Are Still Useful for Your Business
In recent years, teller spaces have gotten smaller. There’s a much bigger focus on card payments and expanding your systems to accept digital wallet payments, but it’s crucial that you don’t forget about cash. We understand that adding a teller tray in small spaces can be a headache which is why our range of products has been adapted to meet your needs.
Adapted to Meet Your Needs
As businesses adapt to new payment methods, we’ve adapted our teller trays to meet their needs. You no longer need large spaces to use our teller trays and coin systems. Instead, we’ve made it easy to accommodate small teller spaces with our updated and improved products.
Teller trays and coin scoops are still vital tools for counting and tracking cash flow. Whether you move $50 a day or $500 a day in cash, having a teller tray makes it easy to track where exactly the money came from, where it’s going, and where it’s stored.
Better Cash Organization
Teller trays are all about organization. Without one, you’ll just have a bunch of cash lying around with no easy way to track or organize it. This can negatively impact your customers’ experience as you scrounge for coins.
For a more professional appearance, it’s important that you have a teller tray in order to stay organized and provide your customers with the service they deserve. Even if you only have a small teller space these days, our products are created to fit well and fully utilize your space for maximum efficiency.
Make Things Easier
When it comes time to count the cash that you have, our teller trays and coin scoops make the process easier. With markings on the side to indicate the amount in the tray, you can quickly add everything up.
Our teller trays ensure that your numbers are correct and that you don’t have to spend too much time recounting coins just to be sure you have the right number. At the end of the work day, our products make your auditing process much easier.
Even if you only have a limited teller space these days, there’s no reason to forego cash systems due to space constraints. In fact, you should still have your cash systems set up properly to serve your customers who still prefer to pay in cash. Our range of products are designed with smaller spaces in mind and adapted to fit well so that you can still benefit from our cash systems without sacrificing the limited space you have.